Assuming you would like tips for self-study, some recommendations for learning number theory include:
Finding good resources. There are many resources available online and in print. Be sure to find resources that are at the appropriate level for you and that cover the topics you are interested in.
Breaking up the material into manageable chunks. Number theory can be a vast and daunting subject. It is helpful to break the material down into smaller pieces so that you can better focus on each individual concept.
Working through lots of examples. A great way to learn number theory is to work through as many examples as possible. This will help you to better understand the concepts and see how they are applied in practice.
Solving practice problems. In addition to working through examples, it is also helpful to solve practice problems on your own. This will further cement your understanding of the concepts and help you to develop your problem-solving skills.
Asking questions. If you are ever stuck on a concept or are having trouble understanding something, do not be afraid to ask for help. There are many resources available, such as online forums, that can provide guidance and assistance.