MLA format is a style guide widely used for writing and documenting research in the humanities. MLA stands for the Modern Language Association, which is an organization that promotes the study and teaching of language and literature. The MLA format is used for writing papers and documenting research in the humanities, such as English, literature, and languages. The MLA format is also used for writing papers in other academic disciplines, such as the social sciences. The MLA format is not only used for writing papers, but it is also used for formatting page numbers, headers, and margins in a paper.
Here are some general guidelines for formatting a paper in MLA format:
• Use a standard sheet of 8.5" x 11" white paper.
• Use a legible 12-point font, such as Times New Roman, Arial, or Courier.
• Double-space the text of your paper.
• Set the margins of your paper to 1" on all sides.
• Indent the first line of each paragraph 0.5".
• Use a header at the top of each page that includes your last name and the page number.
• Include a works cited page at the end of your paper that lists all the sources you used in your research.
For more information on MLA format, you can visit the MLA website at