A title page is an integral part of a document, such as a report, essay, or research paper. It is the first page and provides the reader with a snapshot of what the document is about.
Here is a brief guideline for what should be included in a title page:
• Title of the document: This should be written clearly and accurately, so readers understand the contents.
• Author/s: The name of the author/s responsible for the document should be provided.
• Date: The date of the document’s creation or the date it was last modified.
• Document type: It should be clarified whether the document is a report, essay, etc.
• Additional information: Any additional information such as an image, company logo, or a caption can be added.
For examples of what a title page should look like, you can check out this helpful guide: https://tinyurl.com/y58q3oen.
In conclusion, a title page should include the title of the document, author/s, date, document type, and any additional information related to the document.