A sequel is a continuation of a story, movie or book, that follows a previous installment. If you're looking for another word to use instead of sequel, there are a few options that could work depending on the context. Some of the synonyms for the word sequel include continuation, follow-up, or second chapter.
Continuation is a word that is very similar to sequel and is often used when talking about things like movies, with a story that continues from the point where the last movie or book ended. It can also be used to describe a series that keeps going with new stories in each installment.
A follow-up is another term that can be used to describe a sequel or continuation of a story. It is often used in the context of medical appointments, jobs, or events. For example, a follow-up appointment with a doctor after a surgery, a follow-up email after a job interview, or a follow-up event to a charity fundraiser.
Second chapter is another term that can be used instead of sequel, particularly for books or stories. It implies that the story continues, but it also suggests that there is something new or different about this chapter or installment.
Other words that could also be used to describe a sequel include continuation, next part, next phase, next episode, next installment, or next generation. All of these words convey the idea that the story or series is moving forward in some way, building on what has come before while also introducing new ideas and perspectives.