If you're experiencing persistent back pain no matter how you sit, it could be due to any number of things. To better determine the source of your discomfort, it's important to speak with a qualified healthcare professional.
Below are a few common causes of back pain no matter how you sit:
• Muscle Strain or Injury - Sitting in an awkward position or even just sitting for extended periods of time can cause your muscles to become tense or irritated. This tension can lead to pain in your back.
• Poor Posture - This is an especially common cause of back pain. Drooping your head forward, slouching in your seat, or slumping your shoulders can all cause significant stress on your back over time.
• Pinched Nerve - A pinched nerve can occur when a compressed nerve in your spine leads to pain and other symptoms such as numbness, tingling, or muscle weakness.
• Degenerative Disc Disease - While it is common among older adults, can also be a factor in back pain no matter how you sit. This condition occurs when the spinal discs deteriorate and the discs lose their ability to cushion the spine, leading to pain.
• Osteoarthritis - This is another common source of pain for many older adults. If you have osteoarthritis, it can result in pain no matter how you sit or move.
When experiencing any kind of back pain, it’s best to minimize any activity that may be causing the pain or making it worse. You may also be able to find relief by applying cold or heat, as well as using an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory. It’s also suggested to consider massage therapy, physical therapy, acupuncture, or chiropractic. For more detailed advice, it’s important to speak with a qualified healthcare professional.
If your back pain persists despite at-home remedies, it’s important to speak with a healthcare provider to get a proper diagnosis. They will be able to develop a personalized treatment plan that’s best suited to you.