Table of contents is a type of front matter, which is material located before the main content of a book. It usually contains a list of chapters in the book and their corresponding page numbers. Front matter may also contain other information to provide background information, such as a table of contents, a list of illustrations, a dedication page, and a preface or introduction.
Here are some examples of what other may include in the front matter:
- Dedication—A note from the author thanking people who have helped with the project.
- Acknowledgements—A list of any people the author would like to thank for their help.
- Preface—A short introduction to the book by the author.
- Foreword—A short essay written by another person to introduce the book.
- Introduction—A comprehensive overview of the content of the book.
- Contents page—A list of all sections in the book and page numbers.
Table of contents is a very important component of any book, as it helps a reader get a sense of the overall structure of the book. A good table of contents should make it easy to find the chapter, section, or page you are looking for. Therefore, it is considered an important part of the book’s front matter.
Hope this helps!