Although 5G wireless technology is seen as the next step in the evolution of mobile communications, there are a few potential issues associated with this new technology. Let’s take a look at the negatives associated with 5G.
High Frequency Range: The higher frequency range of 5G signals will mean more power needs to be transmitted than 4G. This could potentially lead to increased health issues for people due to long term exposure to electromagnetic radiation.
Expensive: The higher frequencies associated with 5G will require new cell towers to be built at closer intervals. This, combined with the need for enhanced network infrastructure and equipment, makes 5G quite expensive compared to the current 4G technology.
Coverage Issues: The coverage limitations caused by the propagation of high frequency signals make it difficult for them to penetrate building walls and other physical obstacles. This can lead to spotty coverage or dead zones in areas where these physical obstacles exist.
Security: As with any new technology, there is the potential for security issues. Although 5G networks do offer enhanced security protection, there is the potential for malicious actors to exploit any weaknesses.
Lack of Apps: Due to the newness of 5G technology, developers may be slow in creating apps designed to take advantage of 5G’s capabilities, leaving customers with a limited selection.
Overall, while 5G technology is promising, there are some potential negatives that should be taken into consideration. We’ll have to wait and see how this new technology develops, and whether the potential negatives will be outweighed by its potential benefits.