The Key Performance Indicator (KPI) for revenue is Gross Revenue. Gross Revenue is the total sales income generated by a business, prior to expenses and taxes are taken out. It is a measure of how well a business is performing in terms of its sales.
In terms of measurement, Gross Revenue is calculated by taking the total dollar amount of all products/services sold during a given period. This can be measured on a monthly, quarterly or yearly basis.
At its core, measuring Gross Revenue is important in assessing the success of your business operations. It is a way of determining whether you are achieving your goals and objectives in terms of sales.
To gain greater insight into your overall business performance, you can analyze your Gross Revenue KPI along with other KPIs such as Customer Churn, Average Order Value, Conversion Rate, and Sales Cycle Length.
You can also compare Gross Revenue to growth goals you have set for your business. Comparing these KPIs can help to provide a comprehensive picture of the performance of your business.
Overall, Gross Revenue is a valuable KPI for assessing the success of any business. With this metric, you are able to track the incoming dollar amount from sales and gauge the effectiveness of your sales and marketing efforts.