Number the Stars is a 1989 children's novel written by Lois Lowry. The novel follows the lives of two best friends living in Copenhagen in 1943, during the German occupation of Denmark and the Holocaust. As Jews are being taken to concentration camps, the girls must overcome fear and danger to help their Jewish friend, Annemarie, and her family escape to safety.
The novel deals with several difficult issues and emotions, including fear and prejudice caused by the Nazi occupation, physical and emotional hardship of being family separated during a war, and the courage and bravery of people standing up against oppression.
At the heart of the novel’s central conflict is the problem of what to do about the Nazis taking away minorities, especially Jews, and putting them in concentraction camps. Annemarie's family, who are Jewish, must make the difficult choice of either staying in Denmark to resist the Nazis and facing an uncertain fate, or escaping to Sweden. Her best friend, Lise, must figure out a way to save her family even as she worries about her own safety and the future of Denmark. Ultimately, Lise and Annemarie's courage enables them to help Annemarie's family cross the Danish sea to safety in Sweden.