If you are looking to shorten a URL design, there are a few ways you may be able to do this. First, it may be helpful to decide what information you can keep and what needs to be taken out. Make sure the URL still effectively communicates what your page is about.
You can start by shortening the words in the URL. Instead of using long phrases, you could use abbreviations or acronyms. Try to focus on keeping the keywords or main concepts intact. It may also be beneficial to take out filler words, like “the”, “for”, and “and”, as well as transition words, like “but”, “so”, and “or”.
If you can, make it easier for users to remember by using slugs. This basically means finding common words or using terms that people can easily recall or recognize. The fewer words, the better.
Remember, your URLs have to be consistent regarding lowercase letters, hyphens, and underscores. Replacing spaces with hyphens is also a great way to avoid confusing the URL and make it shorter.
You could also take out some query proteins in the URL if there is a secure area of the website or you need to send additional data.
Finally, if all else fails, look at using URL shortening services like Bit.ly or TinyURL to reduce the length of URLs.