The Clan of the Cave Bear is an iconic novel by Jean M. Auel that has captured the hearts of millions of readers worldwide. First published in 1980, it is the first book in a series of six novels that tell the story of Ayla, a young woman who is raised by a group of Neanderthals known as the Clan.
To answer the question, there is only one book titled The Clan of the Cave Bear. However, as mentioned earlier, it is the first book in a series of six. The subsequent books in the series are The Valley of Horses, The Mammoth Hunters, The Plains of Passage, The Shelters of Stone, and The Land of Painted Caves.
The Clan of the Cave Bear takes the reader on a remarkable journey through prehistoric times, painting a vivid picture of what life might have been like for our ancestors. The story follows Ayla, a young girl who is orphaned and taken in by the Clan, where she must adapt to their way of life and learn to survive in a harsh world filled with danger and uncertainty.
Over the course of the series, Ayla's journey takes her on adventures that span the length and breadth of the prehistoric world, from the frozen tundra of Ice Age Europe to the verdant savannas of Africa. Along the way, she meets a multitude of fascinating characters, both human and otherwise, and faces countless challenges and trials.
Overall, The Clan of the Cave Bear is a must-read for anyone who loves history, adventure, and a great story. Whether you are a fan of the series or just starting out, you are in for an unforgettable ride that will leave you wanting more.