The length of an ideal resume is highly dependent on multiple factors that can influence its effectiveness in landing you the job you desire. While the two-page rule of thumb used to be a popular concept, many hiring managers now prefer resumes that are concise, well-organized, and tailored to their specific needs.
However, there isn't a one-size-fits-all response to this question since there are distinct differences between what employers want to see on entry-level resumes versus executive-level resumes. In general, any resume longer than two pages should provide thorough details about work experiences and qualifications, and it should not include irrelevant information. On the other hand, if you can present all significant details in one page or two pages, that might also suffice depending on your industry.
When creating your resume, make sure you have a clear understanding of the job description and the qualifications needed to excel in the position. Tailor your resume to emphasize the skills and experiences that match the job requirements. Don't include information regarding your hobbies, interests, or long narrative life storyline unless they are relevant to the job.
It's always a good idea to keep in mind that hiring managers want to see resumes that are polished, easy to read, and organized. There's no need to cram everything onto one page if you have the qualifications and history to back it up, but you also don't want to stretch the document out without adding value.
To answer your question, an ideal resume length is usually between one to two pages, but it may be more or less depending on the quality and relevance of the information included. Focus on crafting a compelling narrative that shows off your strengths, accomplishments, and qualifications while remaining concise and to the point. The ultimate goal is to get the hiring manager's attention and convince them that you're the perfect fit for the job.