Having an effective title for your philosophy paper can be one of the most important factors in getting the paper to be successful. It needs to be succinct and informative enough to draw in the reader and make them want to continue reading.
When coming up with a title, try to make sure it concisely communicates the main argument of your paper. Think of it as the main headline rather than a complete summary. You also don’t want it to be too broad or too narrow - having a title that’s too general won’t make it stand out, while having something too vague won’t give enough information.
You might want to consider using a main keyword so that you can effectively index your paper and make sure that it is coming up in searches. It should also be unique enough to stand out, yet informative enough so that your audience knows what to expect from your paper.
When it comes down to it, it’s important that you are creative when it comes to finding a title for your paper. It should be something that will capture the readers’ attention and be memorable so that people can differentiate it from other philosophy papers.