Creating a fixed pivot table in Excel can be a great way to manage and summarize large amounts of data. By fixing the pivot table, you can ensure that it remains in a specific location, making it easy to access and refer to as you work with your data. Here's how you can create a fixed pivot table in Excel:
Step 1: Select the data you want to use for your pivot table. This can be done by clicking on the first cell of your data range and dragging down to the last cell.
Step 2: Go to the "Insert" tab on the ribbon and click on "Pivot Table". You will be prompted to choose the data range for your pivot table. Make sure the "Table/Range" field is properly set to the data you've selected.
Step 3: In the "Create Pivot Table" dialog box, choose where you want to place your pivot table. You can either create a pivot table on a new worksheet or place it on an existing worksheet.
Step 4: After choosing the location, click on "Ok" to create your pivot table. You will now see a blank pivot table field list, and you can choose which fields to include in your table.
Step 5: Now, select the "PivotTable Options" on the "Analyze" tab of the ribbon. Under "PivotTable Options", select "Options". In the "PivotTable Options" dialog box, choose the "Data" tab.
Step 6: Under the "Retain items deleted from the data source" section, select the "None" option.
Step 7: At this point, you're ready to create a fixed pivot table in Excel. Simply right-click anywhere within the pivot table, and select "PivotTable Options". In the "PivotTable Options" dialog box, choose the "Layout & Format" tab.
Step 8: Check the box next to "Locks and can not be moved". This will make your pivot table fixed and prevent it from accidentally being moved around.
With these steps, you should now have a fixed pivot table in Excel. This means that it will remain in the location you've chosen, and you can easily work with the data within the table. As you continue to work with your data, you can now refer to the pivot table as needed, confident that it will not move or change without your permission.