The new show on Hulu with Melissa McCarthy is called "Nine Perfect Strangers". It's a gripping drama series that follows nine strangers who gather at a stunning wellness resort with the intention of transforming their lives. The show is based on the best-selling novel of the same name by Liane Moriarty and features an all-star cast alongside McCarthy, including Nicole Kidman, Michael Shannon, Regina Hall, Luke Evans, and many others.
McCarthy plays the character of Francis, a down-on-her-luck romance novelist who is desperately seeking inspiration and personal transformation. As she arrives at the Tranquillum House resort, she's immediately drawn to the charismatic leader of the retreat, Masha, played by Kidman. However, as the guests learn more about Masha's unconventional treatments and techniques, tensions begin to rise, and the characters are forced to confront their deepest fears and secrets.
The show promises to be a thought-provoking and suspenseful exploration of the human psyche and tackles themes such as trauma, addiction, and personal growth. The performances of the talented ensemble cast have been highly praised, with McCarthy's dramatic range surprising many fans who are used to seeing her in comedic roles.
Overall, "Nine Perfect Strangers" is a must-watch for fans of dark dramas and anyone looking for a gripping and emotionally resonant story. So, make sure you have your Hulu subscription ready and get ready to be swept away by this thrilling and unforgettable series!